Would you publish if you could have it done for FREE?

If you have a completed manuscript you’ve wanted to self-publish, but did not know where to start, you’ve come to the right place!

While we specialize in helping business professionals, entrepreneurs, executives and thought leaders we also can help virtually anyone turn their dream of publishing their work into reality.

There are lots of reasons why most write books.  Here are some of them:

  1. You want to inspire others

  2. You want to build a business

  3. You want to get on stages

  4. You want to tell your story in hopes of your story going “viral”

  5. You just “knew” it would take off and become huge

  6. You wanted to level up and maybe get into circles that wouldn’t accept you

  7. You wanted to be the next Jim Collins, Malcolm Gladwell or J.K. Rowling’s

Then what happened?  Well, if you are like 95% of most authors.  Nothing happened.  Maybe you sold a few hundred books.  Maybe you gamed the best seller categories on Amazon so you could call your book a bestseller.  Then…..Nothing.  Right?  You posted a couple times on Facebook or Instagram hiding behind the computer and trying to give the appearance of success, while you hold back tears.

You told your friends, relatives and colleagues that you were happy with the results. You said if your book helps just one person it's all worth it.  But, if you are being honest with yourself.  You were disappointed.  You kept it together and harnessed your inner Wayne Dyer.  

You said, this isn’t a failure, this is a lesson!  And I’m going to learn and grow from this.  The years of effort I put into this book.  There is a lesson here.  Right?!?!?  Every failure is a lesson.  

Yeah that’s it.  My books colossal failure is a lesson. Great.

Absolutely, the lesson is, you didn’t market your book properly.  The lesson is, the big name publishers and authors have an unfair advantage.  The lesson is, your book will never have the impact you dreamt about.  Unless, you figure out a way to get noticed.  Unless, you can get your book to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal or USA Today Best sellers lists.

I know all of this all too well.  I wrote this not from your perspective.  But from my own personal experience with my books.  I also talk to authors everyday who have all of the same fears, failures and frustrations.  

What if I told you that you could get to those lists?  

What if I could guarantee it?

What would that be worth to you?

Would it amplify your business or personal brand?

Could you make more money?  Could you generate more interest in your company or brand?  

Well, here is what we are willing to do.  If you have a book, or if you want to write another one.  

We will publish it for FREE!

Yep, for FREE!

Here’s the catch.  Kind of.  All you have to do is cover the marketing cost.  

We will GUARANTEE that you will become a New York Times, Wall Street Journal or USA Today Best Selling author, or all THREE!!

But, I have NO money.  I want this, I want to grow my brand or business.  But, I’m broke.  

That's okay.  We got you.  We will finance the cost of the marketing.  So, now you have NO EXCUSE.

Book a call with Mike Alden directly by clicking the button and we will make it happen for you: 

Why Did You Write a Book?





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